Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Get Out Of Your Head & Get Into The Heads Of Those In Your Niche Market!

Hey Underground Marketers....

I just had a meeting with a pretty powerful man
who is a big player in the Non-Profit world,
and there were some Golden Keys of wisdom that I
took away from my time with him which will be extremely
helpful to you in building your businesses.

His name is Bob C. and lives and has his operation's
base in Newport Beach California.

A valuable lesson we discussed, which reedify one of
my teachings with Psychological Marketing, is the requirement
for Demographic and Market Research of your
clearly defined Niche Market.

Bob's business background was being a top dog
at Proctor & Gamble for many years in the research

Much of his work in studying markets and research
for developments guided Proctor & Gambles
success with being a global giant and icon.

He has since left that world and entered the
Non Profit World where he's pursuing some passions he
has in coaching and training struggling
Non-Profit Organizations to effectively grow.

Bob shared with me how the Non-Profit arena is
completely different from the For-Profit World.

From a business development standpoint of
these Non-Profit Organizations, their psychological
makeup and reasons of WHY they think and do
WHAT they think and do, is a must to know before
working with any of them.

An interesting fact Bob exposed me to was that
there are twice the amounts of startups with Non-Profit
Organizations as there are in For-Profit Operations.

What I found interesting was that he said
there is so much more of a challenge with connecting
and working with big players in the Non-Profit World
because he had to quickly discover a new reality
in persuasion and influence in this new market he
was now doing business in.

He said that when it comes to business development and
sales and marketing for the Non-Profit world,
he has a responsibility of influencing deep pocketed
donors to give him 6 or 7 figure dollar contributions
to support a special cause or project.....then have
these donors expect nothing in return for that money...
and he said that the key was to do all of this
while allowing the donors to feel good about parting
with their wealth at the same time!

Now that right there is a great lesson in itself
and also a pretty challenging thing to accomplish
with having people part with large sums of money,
get nothing back in return for it, and be happy
about parting with that large sum of cash!

This really shows there is a lot more to the sales
process in regards to technique than that of a
traditional For-Profit sales transaction.

Another insider tip Bob exposed me to was that in
the Non-Profit world you do NOT use the words
Sales or Marketing...but instead Fund-Raising or
Contribution, which is all the same thing.

The Non-Profit World's organizations, donors and
supporters do not like to be associated with these
words of Sales or Marketing, and yet this is all they
are doing all day long.....selling and marketing their
organization's cause to acquire more support.

Having this kind of insider information was
extremely helpful to him BEFORE launching any kind
of marketing campaign or sales strategies in
this marketplace.

Bob's niche is training up other Non-Profit Managers
to Coach other full time managers for Non-Profit
Organizations in the Orange County area of
southern California.

He has clearly defined his niche, done heavy
due diligences and market/demographic research
on his targeted market, and is experiencing an amazing
impact in his own business growth and development.

This all supports my teachings of doing your research
and due diligence on your market and demographic
studies BEFORE you do anything else.

As a rule of thumb, I usually spend 80-85% of
my time in researching my target markets and
getting out of my head and into the head of my
clearly defined niche market.

I'm studying everything from what do they do, why do
they do it, what are their frustrations and passions,
to where do they hang out, what touch, moves and inspires
them and bottom line, what makes them tick.

When you go through this process, I can virtually
guarantee you that your marketing efforts will
have a more effective impact on your overall business
growth objectives. It will also make your marketing
life a whole lot more easier and make it more productive.

You definitely do not want to find yourself
selling fillet mignon to your customers...spending
thousands of dollars in marketing materials and
campaigns to prove why your fillet mignon is the
best quality meats and why they should purchase
from you....all the while not knowing that your
customers are vegans or vegetarians who don't
care about nor want your high quality meat product!

What a waste of time, money, efforts and resources!

Unfortunately, this is so common with new business
ventures and entrepreneurs starting out in this game.

Another benefit of really getting out of YOUR
Head and Into the Heads of Your Customers is that
you will discover WHAT the best way of COMMUNICATION
is with your client base and HOW to communicate
your message to them in the most effective way.

A quick example of this is when we were running
some marketing campaigns and started off with
communicating with a particular niche market through
emails only...

We were wondering why the responsive rates were
dramatically dropping with our target market
not responding to our offerings at the time.

This was about three and a half years ago when
MySpace was starting to take a strong market
share in communications with our particular
target market.

Because of constantly studying and knowing our
specific niche audience, we were able to quickly
adapt to begin communicating our messages not
only through just email, but also through
MySpace messaging as well....and wouldn't you
know....our response rates increased EXPONENTIALLY!

Imagine that, same audience, same marketing message,
but simply adjusting the WAY of communicating the message
in a form more natural or convenient to our audience
which they were more common or used to...ultimately
increasing response and conversion rates!

If you truly catch what I just shared here, you
could absolutely dominate your niche market just
by improving the WAY of how you communicate with

Little hint for you...

Many people hardly check their MySpace messages now,
but yet increasingly checking their FaceBook messages
online...and now via cell phone or iPhone as well... the trend that I'm monitoring....

If you want to be in direct contact with your client
base now days....emails are proving to be not
as effective as TEXT MESSAGING to your customer
base's cell phones!

Now be careful with this must really
know and understand your particular market and client
base before incorporating this technology.

If you do not do your proper due diligence on your
niche and client could really tick a lot
of your customers off and have a negative impact
on your communication efforts!

So bottom line...

The Golden Key to take away from today's lesson is
simply this...


Pretty simple huh?

But yet very rarely done...

I challenge you to begin to do market research
and demographic studies on your niche and client
base, and I truly believe you will experience some
positive increase in your business growth and

Massive Success Always,

Jason Okuma

PS, Remember to leave a quick comment and feedback
below on this training, as it may be helpful to the
other readers and members for their growth!

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